Where can I enter the information shown below "A SHORT INTRODUCTION OF MYSELF"?
You've got to write the respective HTML in {{{homepage.rdf}}} between {{{ ... }}}.
How can I add another menu link??
Edit menu.php and add a menu item for your new page, e.g.
You also have to create and copy a new php-file named {{{mynewpage.php}}} to your rdfhomepage directory
(the directory where your {{{menu.php}}} file is).
'''Attention:''' you have got to use small letters *only* for the php file.
Yes. You can create your own {{{homepage.css}}} file.
Maybe, you start with the {{{homepage.css}}} in rdfhomepage!?
Why does some symbol not appear on the publications page?
Maybe you forgot to escape special characters in your bibtex file.
Look up the RDF version of your bibtex file.
If the special character(s) are not present, you should look over your
bibtex file.
If there seems to be no problem, there may be a problem with bibtex2rdf.