| 69 | |
| 70 | * Now the rdfhomepage2 is on the screen, although there are some errors |
| 71 | * Start with the first ones: [[BR]] |
| 72 | Permission denied / Operation not permitted - a look in the sourcecode (index.php) shows, that chmod() gets called with every single execution of the script. [[BR]] |
| 73 | This section gets deleted: The folders it should create will be a prerequisite in the installation instructions later on. [[BR]] |
| 74 | All these folders exist within the download package but "cache/". |
| 75 | * Create the folder "cache/" manually for now. Later it will be in the download-package included. |
| 76 | * Same as above with the folder "cache/vocabulary/" (Create it manually) |
| 77 | * On the left in the little box which says "My recent blogs" we have 4 errors, the sourcecode (blog.php) shows that the script tries to create a file. [[BR]] |
| 78 | No permissions. Adjust the rights of the whole rdfhomepage2 folder. |
| 79 | * 1 Error survives: Warning: closedir() [function.closedir]: 80 is not a valid Directory resource in /rdfhomepage2/blog.php on line 118 [[BR]] |
| 80 | Solution: First fopen(), then closedir() on the same variable. Replace closedir() with fclose(). |