If you have a running rdfh1 installation, be sure you keep this installation alive, for extracting data later on.
Short installation overview
- Check out the rdfhomepage2 package:
cd ~homer/public_html/whereever/ svn co https://rdfhomepage.opendfki.de/repos/trunk/rdfhomepage2
This will check out and create an "rdfhomepage2" directory.
- Modify some rights (such that rdfhomepage2 can create and modify files there)
chmod 777 rdfhomepage2 cd rdfhomepage2 chmod -R 777 blog cache calendars courses depictions images log photos pictures toolbox vocabulary config.php
- Move the folder to your webspace (in case you checked out rdfhomepage2 to some other place)
- Open rdfhomepage2/toolbox/ within your browser.
- Login with the following data:
- User: admin
- Password: admin
Note: It is strongly recommented to change this settings immediately! (On the bottom of the toolbox click "Change Password")
- Incrementally insert your data:
- On the Toolbox' mainpage click "FOAF", then "Import FOAF": Select your foaf.xml
- On the Toolbox' mainpage click "Publications", then "Upload Publications": Select your bibtex file (*.bib)
- Click on "Convert to RDF"
Upload Dipiction (photo of yourself for the VCard)
- On the Toolbox' mainpage click "Content Manager", then at the bottom: "Edit Depitictions"
Select "Upload Depiction" and choose a photo to upload.
Create VCard
- If you have already inserted your FoaF-file, you may click Toolbox->FOAF->Create VCard from FOAF
Otherwise, click Toolbox->Virtual Card and insert every field manually. - If you have uploaded a dipiction, you can select it, if not, you can change your dipiction later on.
If you have a running installation of rdfh1 you can extract informations and texts from it. See the Migration Instructions for further details.
Last modified 15 years ago
Last modified on 08/05/10 14:22:39